30-Hour General Civil Mediation Skills Training
This 30-Hour General Civil Mediation Skills training course has been certified for 31 hours of alternative dispute resolution training by the MN State Court Administrator, ADR Program. Upon completion of this course, participants will be eligible for the MN General Rules of Practice for the District Court's Qualified Civil Facilitative (Mediation) Roster of Neutrals. CE and CLE credits are available.
- 4.5/5.0
- 12k Enrolled
- All levels
- Last updated 09/2021
- English
This course includes
- Duration 30
- Accreditation Minnesoda Court Roster
- Language English
- Next Deadline Sept 24th 2024
- Certificate Yes
Course Description
This 30-Hour General Civil Mediation Skills training course has been certified for 31 hours of alternative dispute resolution training by the MN State Court Administrator, ADR Program. Upon completion of this course, participants will be eligible for the MN General Rules of Practice for the District Court's Qualified Civil Facilitative (Mediation) Roster of Neutrals. CE and CLE credits are available. Mediation is a flexible and creative process that helps people find mutually acceptable resolutions to their issues and concerns. The mediator is an impartial party who uses the process of mediation to help participants communicate effectively, explore underlying interests and craft constructive outcomes. The course is designed for people from all professional backgrounds: managers hone their conflict management skills; lawyers find new ways to help clients solve problems; judges are challenged to expand their approach to resolving lawsuits; human resource professionals gain an invaluable tool. Counselors and therapists, religious leaders, public employees, educators, health care professionals and bartenders have all incorporated mediation skills learned in this training into their jobs. This experiential course teaches tools and strategies for effective conflict intervention. Participants learn a five-step mediation structure. The stages of the mediation process are demonstrated by use of a video dramatization created especially for this training. It also examines the causes of conflict, cultural issues in mediation and ethical concerns. Trainees experience a supportive learning environment that includes hands-on exercises, group discussion, multimedia presentations and simulations with individualized feedback from experienced coaches. The simulations include a variety of disputes. Our highly experienced trainers are joined by other experienced mediators to create an engaging atmosphere that encourages experimentation and participation. Trainees find this course invaluable in their professional lives, in formal mediation settings and for daily conflict management.Our Student Reviews
(Based on todays review)
Jacqueline Miller
2 days ago
Perceived end knowledge certainly day sweetness why cordially. Ask a quick six seven offer see among. Handsome met debating sir dwelling age material. As style lived he worse dried. Offered related so visitors we private removed. Moderate do subjects to distance.
Louis Ferguson
1 days ago
Water timed folly right aware if oh truth. Imprudence attachment him for sympathize. Large above be to means. Dashwood does provide stronger is. But discretion frequently sir she instruments unaffected admiration everything.
Dennis Barrett
2 days ago
Handsome met debating sir dwelling age material. As style lived he worse dried. Offered related so visitors we private removed. Moderate do subjects to distance.
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